Monday, January 27, 2025



            for Ishrat on her birthday –


Such comfort in the bee

who between the florets & petals

is seeking her sweet

transluscent drop of almost

honey.  Like she was

homed here.  Like the face of the sun

flower opened for just this

moment and the bee,

this bee,

heavy from her last

home – oh those pouches

of pollen – twin purses –

& isn’t the richness all the more

sweet in the leaving

the pollen rising / \ falling


                          \ /



in something like applause

Friday, January 10, 2025




Pain-gleaned but there’s always a nerve

hiding behind the silence where quiet is


a hunted laboring mother giving in at last

then slipping to the same world her still-


born baby has slipt to.  Moving forward

she sleeps & the piece


                                    of her who made

the baby & brought it to term only


to have to paw through the gaul of the after

birth searching for the stone


that was thrown at her glass castle

finds nothing but immensity nothing


but layers & layers of drapes of immensity

which being the seamstress she now is


she stitches together to hang

pleated & neat in the house she lives in


now at glow in the dark but a glow nobody

being outside that dark could ever imagine being



Thursday, January 9, 2025

Imagine: In the Yellow House, Arles


Imagine: In the Yellow House, Arles


Yesterday’s replica was of Van Gogh’s

Arles bedroom.  The cups.  The rumpled

red bed-

            covering the almost

                        floating above angle the viewer

                        needs to appreciate

                        standing to see

                                    it all falling some-

                                    how down

            hill.  (it seems the bedroom

                        wasn’t plumb, he’d said

                        in a letter to Theo)


                                    but to see it

                                    the way Vincent saw


to paint it perspectively

            waiting for people

            to sit to sleep against the edge

            of the wall, the straw sun

            hat hung behind the head

            board next to the frumpy paint clustered

            frocks but oh the room is so…



                        RED! & BLUE & LIVINGLY



unrumpled cover.  In the painting

there’s room for two:


            two chairs

            two pillows

            two then two paintings & one

                        where two might

                                    walk, grasping each other, through to the trees.